Beetle Gearbox Codes

Gearbox Codes

General Information – Beetle Gearbox Part Numbers Should start 113 For a Manual Box and 001 for an Auto Box.

The Gearbox Code. Is followed by 5 numbers the first two are the Day the second two are the Month and the fifth is the year. (EG AT22104 was built on 22nd October 1974. 

All Codes are for T1 Beetle unless otherwise stated.

CodesModelFinal DriveNotes
AA   12004.375From Chassis No 0 981 810  
AB 13004.375  Swing Axle
AC15004.125     also some 1300 from 8/70
AD12004.375Limited Slip Differential
AE13004.375Limited Slip Differential
AF15004.125   Limited Slip Differential up to 8/70; also some 1300 from 8/70
AG12004.375Type 147 Fridolin
AH15004.125     IRS from 8/68  
 16004.125   8/69 – 8/72  
AK15003.875Type 181 up to 8/70
 16003.875Type 181 from 8/70  
AL15003.875Type 181 with LSD up to 8/70  
AL16003.875Type 181 with LSD from 8/70  
AM13004.375IRS – from 8/70  
AN16003.875Karmann Ghia with IRS from 8/70  
AO1600 4.125   Karmann Ghia from 8/70  
AP13004.375LSD from 8/70  
AQ16004.125LSD 8/70 – 8/72  
AR16003.875 Karmann Ghia with LSD from 8/70
AS1600cc3.875From 3/72  
AT16003.8751303s and Cabrio from 3/72  
AU16003.8751303s and Cabrio from 3/72 with LSD  
BA1300 / 15004.375Semi Automatic from 8/68 – 8/70  
BC1300 / 15004.375Semi Automatic from 8/68 – 8/70 with LSD  
BE16004.125   Semi Automatic from 8/70 – 8/71  
BF16004.125   Semi Automatic from 8/70 – 8/71 with LSD  
BG16004.125   Karmann Ghia Semi Automatic from 8/70  
BH13004.125   Karmann Ghia Semi Automatic from 8/70 with LSD
BJ13004.375Semi Automatic from 8/70  
BK13004.375Semi Automatic from 8/70 with LSD  
BL16004.125Semi Auto  
BK13004.375Semi Automatic from 8/70 with LSD  
DA1500 /16004.125   Type 3 Swing-axle up to 8/68
DB1500 /16004.125   Type 3 Swing-axle up to 8/68 with LSD  
DC1500 /16004.125   Type 3 IRS from 8/68  
DD1500 /16004.125   Type 3 IRS from 8/68 with IRS  

Please note that this information is provided as a GUIDE ONLY we cannot be held responsible for any errors.  

For info: Below, are the the gear ratios for all gears in standard gearboxes:

   Identification letters   ring & pinion   1st gear2nd gear3rd gear 4th gear
AA AB AD AE AG AM AP AX4.3753.782.061.260.93
AC AF AH AQ DA DB DC4.1253.782.061.260.89
AN AO AR AS AT AU3.8753.782.061.260.93
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